Climax: The Zodiac Club Book 14
Climax is available at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, or pick it up direct from the publisher, Breathless Press, by clicking here.
"So. Pisces."
Izzy looked at the youthful features and mane of sleek, dark hair that faced her across the table. Her young friend Amy could be so direct, and she was staring hard at Izzy now with that unblinking, frank expression of hers. Mind you, Jessica, sitting beside Amy on the booth's bench seat, and Sarah, next to Izzy, had much the same demanding look in their eyes.
The assembled members of the Zodiac Club were ready and waiting for their latest bulletin.
Well, if news is what they're after, news is what they're going to get.
"Pisces," she repeated and paused. "And Aquarius. Together."
The effect was devastating. Jessica, for once, was stunned into silence, while Sarah and Amy shared an openmouthed, wide-eyed moment of disbelief before turning back to Izzy.
"Both of them? At the same time?"
Izzy nodded, unable to prevent the smile from creeping onto her face. "Oh, and a French masseuse."
"You had an orgy?"
"I'd hardly call it that, Jess. Merely doubling up the possibilities, that's all."
"And did you? Double up, I mean?"
Izzy cast her mind back to the night in question, a few days earlier, when she'd intended to meet Josh Newman, her Pisces selection, at the luxury spa where he worked. The evening had turned out rather differently from her expectations, as first Françoise relaxed her with her magical fingers, and then the nameless Aquarian—in Izzy's head, a blond merman—had emerged, dripping and beautiful, from the swimming pool to introduce her to the delights of semisubmerged sex. Finally Josh himself had arrived on the scene and, far from being upset or jealous at her indulgences with the other two, had made it very plain he was more than happy to join in with them.
The hours that followed had been revelatory, intense, and a fitting climax to Izzy's year of sexual adventure through the horoscope. Crossing off Aquarius and Pisces in one fantastic session had proved utterly satisfying in so many ways.
But when it came to reporting back on her exploits to the girls, Izzy suddenly found herself feeling a little coy, as if she wanted to hold something back for herself. She'd willingly signed up to the experiment a year ago and had agreed to supply regular feedback on her dates as she explored each sign of the zodiac in the search for Mr. Right. Now that it had come to its astrological conclusion, though, she felt a pang of selfishness that she was required to give up the most intimate of her secrets.
"Aren't we jumping ahead of ourselves a little?" she asked and reached across to the pile of brown envelopes on the table in front of Sarah. "I think we should see how Jessica's fared with her predictions for Aquarius and Pisces."
Sarah put a hand on top of the pile to stop Izzy in her tracks. "I've got a better idea. Now that you've gone full circle through the zodiac, why don't we have a review of the year?"
Izzy looked at the youthful features and mane of sleek, dark hair that faced her across the table. Her young friend Amy could be so direct, and she was staring hard at Izzy now with that unblinking, frank expression of hers. Mind you, Jessica, sitting beside Amy on the booth's bench seat, and Sarah, next to Izzy, had much the same demanding look in their eyes.
The assembled members of the Zodiac Club were ready and waiting for their latest bulletin.
Well, if news is what they're after, news is what they're going to get.
"Pisces," she repeated and paused. "And Aquarius. Together."
The effect was devastating. Jessica, for once, was stunned into silence, while Sarah and Amy shared an openmouthed, wide-eyed moment of disbelief before turning back to Izzy.
"Both of them? At the same time?"
Izzy nodded, unable to prevent the smile from creeping onto her face. "Oh, and a French masseuse."
"You had an orgy?"
"I'd hardly call it that, Jess. Merely doubling up the possibilities, that's all."
"And did you? Double up, I mean?"
Izzy cast her mind back to the night in question, a few days earlier, when she'd intended to meet Josh Newman, her Pisces selection, at the luxury spa where he worked. The evening had turned out rather differently from her expectations, as first Françoise relaxed her with her magical fingers, and then the nameless Aquarian—in Izzy's head, a blond merman—had emerged, dripping and beautiful, from the swimming pool to introduce her to the delights of semisubmerged sex. Finally Josh himself had arrived on the scene and, far from being upset or jealous at her indulgences with the other two, had made it very plain he was more than happy to join in with them.
The hours that followed had been revelatory, intense, and a fitting climax to Izzy's year of sexual adventure through the horoscope. Crossing off Aquarius and Pisces in one fantastic session had proved utterly satisfying in so many ways.
But when it came to reporting back on her exploits to the girls, Izzy suddenly found herself feeling a little coy, as if she wanted to hold something back for herself. She'd willingly signed up to the experiment a year ago and had agreed to supply regular feedback on her dates as she explored each sign of the zodiac in the search for Mr. Right. Now that it had come to its astrological conclusion, though, she felt a pang of selfishness that she was required to give up the most intimate of her secrets.
"Aren't we jumping ahead of ourselves a little?" she asked and reached across to the pile of brown envelopes on the table in front of Sarah. "I think we should see how Jessica's fared with her predictions for Aquarius and Pisces."
Sarah put a hand on top of the pile to stop Izzy in her tracks. "I've got a better idea. Now that you've gone full circle through the zodiac, why don't we have a review of the year?"
The Zodiac Club
With one story for each of the twelve horoscope signs of the year, plus a FREE prologue and an epilogue, The Zodiac Club is an unmissable collection of steamy tales.
Don't forget to check out the rest in the complete series.
Don't forget to check out the rest in the complete series.